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Nutrition Counseling

Discover how to improve your health through changes in your diet

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Location 1

Service Description

Nutrition counseling is based on assessing the body’s digestion, absorption, and use of food, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, nutrients, and dietary supplements for the specific needs of organs and parts of the body. We take time to listen closely and understand where you are in terms of your lifestyle and dietary habits, and work with you to achieve your health goals. We use Muscle Response Testing (Applied Kinesiology or Reflex Analysis) and Iridology to identify what your body needs. Muscle Response Testing is a non-invasive practice of tissue and muscle testing to read muscle responses to identify the body’s excesses, deficiencies, and healing needs. This type of assessment uses the body’s innate intelligence. Where there is a nutritional deficit, the body intuitively recognizes the energy imbalance that the deficit causes. The body then attempts to correct the imbalance by transferring the energy from one place to another by way of the meridian’s, the body’s natural conduits. When a deficit causes an imbalance within the meridian, the imbalance has a negative health effect on your external energy field. Nutritional lack causes specific malfunctions, disorders, and diseases (dis-eases). We use this tool to determine the origin of the imbalance and what is needed to correct the nutritional deficit, and determine what and where are the energy weaknesses. Alternatively, when the client is too young, too old, or too ill to participate in the muscle response testing, the practitioner may choose to perform Surrogate Testing. This testing works by having the person (surrogate) touch the client while participating in the arm procedure. The practitioner can read the client’s energy that transfers from the client to the surrogate. Iridology is the practice of interpreting the patterns of lines and colors in the iris of the eye to assess physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Iridology can detect imbalances months before they become symptomatic in the body which makes it a preventative modality.

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